Add Friend

I would like to ask if it is possible to implement the add friend feature directly with the UIkit. Also if a user is new and doesn’t have friends, is it possible for the user to invite other users on the platform?(within same sendbird application)


Hi @rebecca

Welcome to the community and thank you very much for your questions.

I’ve divided the answers up a little for clarification.

Q: I would like to ask if it is possible to implement the add friend feature directly with the UIkit?
A: The Friends Feature is not yet available in the UIKit and is not on the roadmap at the moment. However, please do consider building out your own user interface the leverages the Friends Feature

Q: Also if a user is new and doesn’t have friends, is it possible for the user to invite other users on the platform?(within same sendbird application).
A: Yes. How about the below suggestion, please?


  • Take the details the invitee and encrypt them.
  • Create an invite link/code that contains the encrypted details.
  • Have the encrypted details be associated with an invitation.
  • Current user shares the invitation
  • Add the invitee’s hashed phone number to the current user’s friend_discovery_list


  • New user accepts the invitation.
  • When the new user’s account is created in Sendbird unencrypt their details.
  • Add a hashed version of the invitee’s phone number to the invitees personal friends discovery key.
  • Sendbird will detect that the invitees’s number is in the inviter’s friends_discover_list.

Oouky got the same prob