Alternative for deauthenticate() and setPushToken in AuthenticateParams - Android Calls SDK


Acc to Sendbird Calls documentation for Android SDK, we need to add setPushToken in AuthenticateParams while authenticating a user.
ref link - Authentication | Calls Android SDK | Sendbird Docs

But after Android SDK 1.6.0, this param was deprecated and doesn’t work in latest 1.9.0 version of SDK.

Similarly, for deauthenticating the user, SendBirdCall.deauthenticate() is mentioned in the documentation but this method was also deprecated in 1.6.0

Can someone help me with the alternative for both these to be used.


Hi @Android_MR_Firebase,

You can use SendBirdCall.registerPushToken() instead. Please refer to this docs. Also, there is SendBirdCall.unregisterPushToken for deauthentication. Call this function before authentication.


Thanks for the reply @Nathan.Park . The issue I am facing now is that my token are not removed from Sendbird account by using SendBirdCall.unregisterPushToken() method and call still comes even if I logged out from app.

Another issue I am facing in Android 12 version is that when my phone is locked and I pick call then video of caller is not coming sending dropbox link of video of the same issue.

Hi @Nathan.Park
Any update on my last message?
Happy to provide any further information needed to solve this issue.