Crash When Creating A New Channel

Every time I try to create a new channel using ChannelCreationScreen via Jetpack Compose, it crashes with the following error:

2024-10-21 18:14:53.956 16589-16589 AndroidRuntime          com.example.shots                    E  FATAL EXCEPTION: main (Ask Gemini)
                                                                                                    Process: com.example.shots, PID: 16589
                                                                                                    androidx.compose.runtime.ComposeRuntimeError: Compose Runtime internal error. Unexpected or incorrect use of the Compose internal runtime API (Start/end imbalance). Please report to Google or use
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.runtime.ComposerKt.composeImmediateRuntimeError(Composer.kt:4574)
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.runtime.ComposerImpl.finalizeCompose(Composer.kt:4899)
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.runtime.ComposerImpl.endRoot(Composer.kt:1671)
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.runtime.ComposerImpl.doCompose(Composer.kt:3610)
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.runtime.ComposerImpl.recompose$runtime_release(Composer.kt:3552)
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionImpl.recompose(Composition.kt:948)
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.runtime.Recomposer.performRecompose(Recomposer.kt:1206)
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.runtime.Recomposer.access$performRecompose(Recomposer.kt:132)
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.runtime.Recomposer$runRecomposeAndApplyChanges$2$1.invoke(Recomposer.kt:616)
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.runtime.Recomposer$runRecomposeAndApplyChanges$2$1.invoke(Recomposer.kt:585)
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidUiFrameClock$withFrameNanos$2$callback$1.doFrame(
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidUiDispatcher.performFrameDispatch(
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidUiDispatcher.access$performFrameDispatch(
                                                                                                    	at androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidUiDispatcher$dispatchCallback$1.doFrame(
                                                                                                    	at android.view.Choreographer$
                                                                                                    	at android.view.Choreographer$
                                                                                                    	at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(
                                                                                                    	at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(
                                                                                                    	at android.view.Choreographer$
                                                                                                    	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
                                                                                                    	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
                                                                                                    	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
                                                                                                    	at android.os.Looper.loop(
                                                                                                    	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
                                                                                                    	Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.internal.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException: [androidx.compose.runtime.PausableMonotonicFrameClock@c511c85, androidx.compose.ui.platform.MotionDurationScaleImpl@917dada, StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@272cb0b, AndroidUiDispatcher@a3ffde8]```

Hi @J11 ,

Welcome to the Sendbird Community, and thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.
I have confirmed the crash and will notify our engineering team to investigate further.
Please stay tuned for updates in our upcoming releases.

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This issue will be fixed next release (1.0.0-beta.2). It will be released this week (Thursday or Friday)

Please turn on Auto messages for all channels for User joined channel in dashboard. You can avoid this issue temporarily.

Dashboard → Settings → Chat → Channels → User joined channel → check Auto messages for all channels

uikit-compose 1.0.0-beta.2 has been released!

I have added it to my project, thanks!

I posted this separately but since the new release, viewmodel is now viewmodel contract, how do I add that as an argument now?

ViewModel parameter has been replaced as ViewModelContract. You just input same argument!

I tried inputting a viewmodel but it crashed so i reverted back to previous ui kit version cause I couldn’t get anything to work.

How did you implement your code? Can I get a log?
I think you should clarify your viewModel type when creating viewModel like

        factory = ChannelCreationViewModel.factory()