Custom Video call screen instead of by default screen

Right now user is in foreground or background or killed mode, every time video call screen appear by default iphone call screen.
Can we customise the screen like whatsapp.

Can anyone please help me out on it possible or not using sendbird call sdk.

hello @Khusboo_Suhasini

You can customize it by referring to the following codes in Quickstart Sample.


let providerConfiguration = CXProviderConfiguration(localizedName: "Sendbird Calls")
if let image = UIImage(named: "icLogoSymbolInverse") {
    providerConfiguration.iconTemplateImageData = image.pngData()


let update = CXCallUpdate()
update.remoteHandle = CXHandle(type: .generic, value: name)
update.hasVideo = call.isVideoCall
update.localizedCallerName = call.caller?.userId ?? "Unknown"

I think it would be best to refer to the Apple documentation about CallKit.

have a good day. :slight_smile:

Thanks @damon.park for your response.
I have changed the logo and name an all.
I want to change the total screen ui.

like in whatsapp if application is in foreground, then on call notification screen u can see your video before receiving the call.

If application in background video call notification will come just like pushnotification format.

Like this i need.