Dashboard error

Hello everyone, hope everyone fine! :slight_smile:

I have some users when log into dashboard got this error “Required permission validation failed”

Captura de Tela 2023-09-11 às 13.32.03

Anyone know how to fix it ?

Thanks in advance

Hello @DanielDAlessandro, Welcome to Sendbird Communtiy.

I noticed that your organization has Dashboard members with custom roles assigned.

Can you provide a few sample dashboard users where the issue has been seen through DM?

Thank you, @DanielDAlessandro , for sharing the details with us through DM.

After checking the issue, we have a quick fix for you. To address the issue, please add a new permission Organization > General > View to the custom role.

Additionally, It is mandatory to create a moderator user and link them to the Dashboard member in order to view messages in the channels.

Uday thank you for the fast answer!

This totally works for us.


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