Error when resendUserMessage

I can’t resend the message that failed to send.

[SDK Version]
sendbird_chat_sdk: ^4.2.23

[Reproduction Steps]
channelUrl: message.channelUrl,
channelType: message.channelType,
messageId: message.messageId,
message: message.message,
translations: {},
handler: (message, e) =>‘$message : $e’),

everytime the message failed to send.

[Current impact]
the communication between two users is damaged by this, and if i hide the message that doesn’t send, the sender might not know that the message is failed to send.

the error always like these:
[FlutterError] #0 BaseChannelMessage.resendUserMessage (package:sendbird_chat_sdk/src/public/core/channel/base_channel/base_channel_message.dart:202:7)