Flutter SDK/Plugin


Do you guys have any plans for a flutter SDK? A temporary workaround would of course be to use te platform API or Native SDKs and then the flutter MethodChannel function to communicate, but a flutter SDK would be nice - Getstream.io & Quickblox already have them :slight_smile:

Hi Nicholas,

We do have a Flutter SDK on our road map now but, it sits within the 2021 goal section. I would consider using the suggested approach you mention above.


Super simple chat plugin I’ve started leveraging a few endpoints from the existing platform API, so that it can be easily deployed for mobile and web. Didn’t see a documented web socket endpoint to implement so example uses basic polling.

any idea which month of the year will it be ready?


Hey @Nicholas_Latham! Our Flutter plugin is now officially available. Introductory info here and direct doc links at:


Fantastic @Jason_Koo !

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Hey! Any ETA on Video, Calls SDK ?