Group call Device video is not turn off

I am using “SendBirdCall” and below code is used to enter a room and streaming. When user tries to close a call, I tried to call all the following methods. Video streaming is stopped, But the device camera is still on. How can I stop that?

      await connectedRoom.localParticipant.stopVideo();
      await connectedRoom.localParticipant.muteMicrophone();
      await connectedRoom.exit() // Participant has exited the room successfully.
      await SendBirdCall.deauthenticate();
      await room.enter(enterParams);
    } catch(error){
    const localMediaView = document.getElementById('local_video_element_id');
    window.localStream = localMediaView;
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I have tried to useMedia also, but still device camera is on only.

this.mediaAccess = SendBirdCall.useMedia({ audio: true, video: true });

I am also having the same issue! Has anyone been able to resolve this issue

A little late and probably old but what I did is to get the newest room instance before updating the localParticipant video status.

const showHideVideo = async (show: boolean) => {
    if (!sendbird || !sendbird?.room) return

    let room: Room
    room = SendbirdCall.getCachedRoomById(

    if (!room) {
      room = await SendbirdCall.fetchRoomById(

    const localParticipant = room.localParticipant
    show ? localParticipant.startVideo() : localParticipant.stopVideo()

Hope this help someone in the future!