How change nickname for user authentication sendbird call

I currently use the sendbirdCall sdk to make calls within the app, I am trying to change the NickName for the authenticated user, but I can’t find a way to do it programmatically

Hey @Kreabytes_Com,

Looking at the Call SDK, it does not look like we support a way to update users nicknames directly through the SDK. We do support this action in the Chat SDK, as well as via the chat Platform API. You could potentially utilize the platform API to make a call to update the user, or if you’re also utilizing the Chat SDK, you can use the following:


Is there no way to update the user’s nickname for a specific group channel? I need the same user to be able to have different names in every group channel similar to nicknames in Facebook messenger and Discord’s server nicknames.

When I ask the bot, it seems to be giving me incorrect answers with request body properties or endpoints that I can’t find in the docs.