How to get loading status of a channel list

I am using sendbird-uikit@2.6.0. trying to get loading status of chat list so that I can show custom loading skeleton, i tried following this tutorial by sendbird React Chat app: Component customization | React Chat UIKit | Web apps chat (part 2) - YouTube unfortunately the import URL doesn’t work (import { useChannelListContext } from “sendbird-uikit/smart-component/ChannelList/context”:wink:

import { useChannelListContext } from "sendbird-uikit/smart-component/ChannelList/context";
const { loading } = useChannelListContext();

Hi @ashiqdey,

Welcome to the Sendbird Community.

It looks like you’re following a tutorial for UIKit V3, while using a V2 version. In order to follow the tutorial you linked, you’ll need to use a V3 SDK version.

Please install following: @sendbird/uikit-react - npm

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So is there any way to do that in v2? Because we have build everything on top of v2 and now if we migrate to v3 it will be a headache for us.

Hi @ashiqdey,

With the current component structure in V2, there is no way to achieve with without building your own component.

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