I am facing one issue related to call ringtone/ringing

Let’s say users A, B & C.
User B calls User A → Call ringing
At the same time,
User C calls User A → Call declined for User C also ringing stops on User A device.

Any solution?

Hi @R3103, Thank you for the report. Let me look into it how to solve.


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This behaviour can be changed
In the sample ios app of sendbird
In this file: AppDelegate+SendBirdCallsDelegates.swift

    if SendBirdCall.getOngoingCallCount() > 1 {
        // Allow only one ongoing call.
        CXCallManager.shared.reportIncomingCall(with: uuid, update: update) { _ in
            CXCallManager.shared.endCall(for: uuid, endedAt: Date(), reason: .declined)
    } else {
        // Report the incoming call to the system
        CXCallManager.shared.reportIncomingCall(with: uuid, update: update)

This piece of code auto declines any other calls if a call is ongoing
If needed, you can comment this part out as per your requirements if multiple call instances are necessary