iOS UIKit build issues in latest version

// Detailed description of issue.
Build issues found in SBUAvailable file

  • Cannot find type ‘NotificationInfo’ in scope
  • Value of type ‘AppInfo’ has no member ‘notificationInfo’

Build issues found in SBUFeedNotificationChannelViewController file

// If problem, please fill out the below. If question, please delete.
[UIKit Version]
// What version of the SDK are you using?
UIKIt version - v3.5.2
SDK version - v4.0.8

[Reproduction Steps]
// Please provide reproduction steps and, if possible, code snippets.
While building the code in XCODE itself there are issues.

// How frequently is this issue occurring?

[Current impact]
// How is this currently impacting your implementation?
Not able to build the iOS UIKIT code and run sample app(quickstart) on iOS emulator.