When a user exceeds 2000 group channels, I can still include him in new group channels by creating using the Create group channels endpoint but he won’t be able to send messages, I believe the error code the user receives is 900023
(not totally sure)
And this group channel will cause other issues, Like when I fetch the list of groups for that user using GET /v3/users/{userID}/my_group_channels
endpoint, the server will return this group channel as one of the results, but when I try to remove him from this group channel using PUT v3/group_channels/{channelUrl}/leave
I get the following:
error: true,
message: "\"Joined users were not found in the provided user\" not found.",
code: 400201,
So the user can’t send messages and can’t leave the group chat.
[SDK Version]
Platform API V3
[Reproduction Steps]
If the user exceeds 2000 group channels, new group channels that include this user as a member will have this issue
Every time a user exceeds 2000 group channels
[Current impact]
The user is stuck with group channels where they can’t send messages and can’t leave the group, the user ends up with many group channels stuck in this status