Reversed Messages

am using a forked sendbirduikit, how do i set reverse to false as i have changed it for messages but messages are in a reversed order

Hi @The_Elemans,

You can use the Reverse parameter to determine whether to sort the retrieved messages in reverse order. It’s a Boolean data type so if set false, the results are in ascending order. You can find more information regarding this here: Message threading | Chat iOS SDK | Sendbird Docs

Please feel free to let us know if you have any other questions.


i did set this in my forked sendbird iOS UIKit open-source but check below

I set that flag to false in SBUChannelViewModel which i believe its a class used to handle fetching of a channel’s messages

Hi @The_Elemans,

When using the UIKit, the Reverse parameter can not be set. The flow of chat is auto-set via UIKit. You can usesetReverse but UIKit ChannelViewModel reset the set reverse in order. Can you please share some screenshots of what you are seeing so that we can check and investigate further.

Meanwhile, if you have any other questions please let us know.


Hi @The_Elemans,

I just wanted to check in to see if you are still having issues with the message order. Please share some screenshots of what you are seeing and we will investigate further.

Meanwhile, if you have any other questions please let us know.
