Scroll stop working when setting up a custom listComponent

When we setup a custom listComponent, open a message channel screen, close it and open the screen again the scroll stop working. If we don’t setup a listComponent this just works fine.

[UIKit Version]
SendbirdChatSDK 4.2.0
SendbirdUIKit 3.3.1

[Reproduction Steps]
Setup a custom listComponent:

SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.listComponent = CustomGroupChannelModuleList()

Open a message channel screen, close it and open the screen again and try to scroll through the messages.

Our code:

            params: initParams,
            migrationStartHandler: {
                print("Sendbird migration started - \(Date())")
            completionHandler: { error in
                if let error = error {
                    print("Sendbird migration error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
                } else {
                    print("Sendbird migration completed - \(Date())")

        SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.listComponent = CustomGroupChannelModuleList()
        SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.listComponent?.register(adminMessageCell: CustomAdminCell())
        SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.listComponent?.register(userMessageCell: CustomUserMessageCell())
        SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.listComponent?.register(fileMessageCell: CustomFileMessageCell())
        SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.listComponent?.channelStateBanner = CustomChannelStateBanner()
        SBUGlobals.isChannelListMessageReceiptStateEnabled = true
        SBUGlobals.isChannelListTypingIndicatorEnabled = false
        SBUGlobals.isUserProfileEnabled = false
        SBUGlobals.isUserMentionEnabled = false

The problem is with:

SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.listComponent = CustomGroupChannelModuleList()

The CustomGroupChannelModuleList:

class CustomGroupChannelModuleList: SBUGroupChannelModule.List {

override func configureCell(_ messageCell: SBUBaseMessageCell, message: BaseMessage, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
        super.configureCell(messageCell, message: message, forRowAt: indexPath)

        let bookmarkedIds = BookmarkManager.shared.bookmarkedIds
        let bookmarked = bookmarkedIds.first(where: { $0.bookmarkableId == String(message.messageId) }) != nil

        if let cell = messageCell as? CustomUserMessageCell {
            cell.configure(bookmarked: bookmarked)
            cell.bookmarkButton.action(.touchUpInside) { [weak self] _ in
                self?.bookmarkMessage(message) { result in
                    cell.configure(bookmarked: result)
        } else if let cell = messageCell as? CustomFileMessageCell {
            cell.configure(bookmarked: bookmarked)
            cell.bookmarkButton.action(.touchUpInside) { [weak self] _ in
                self?.bookmarkMessage(message) { result in
                    cell.configure(bookmarked: result)

    private func bookmarkMessage(_ message: BaseMessage, completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
        // ...

Every time we open the message channel screen by the second time.

[Current impact]
We can’t add and use our customizations.

I’m having exactly the same problem. Same implementation and behavior. Second time I open a channel the scroll stops working. Did you manage to solve that?

Same issue for me, how did you solve it? @Diler_Barbosa @ricardosuman

Hi @AlbertoPvt , I’ve opened a ticket for SB to fix/investigate it and on their last message they told me that they found the problem and they are working on fixing it. I’m still waiting for the fix.