Select and send multiple photos

I have a requirement to add the ability to select and send multiple photos, not one by one.
How do I add the feature to the ios quickstart sample app?

Hello @Martin_Hovhannisyan

We are now supporting Multiple Files Message feature!

You can select some multiple files in the message inputs, and send multiple images in one message.

If you select several types of files, only images will be combined in the message and the other files will be sent separately.

More details here: Release [v3.7.0] (Oct 23 2023) · sendbird/sendbird-uikit-react · GitHub

Let me know if this is what you are looking for. If not then please elaborate more on your query so that we can check and assist you accordingly.

Hello Chinmaya,

Thank you for the info. I saw that sendbird-uikit-ios also got the Multiple Files Message feature in the v3.10.0.

I updated the pods in my project, but it appears that there are additional steps required to incorporate the updated feature into the project. Can you provide more information about the necessary steps?