Sendbird UIKit not showing private chat


I’ve created a private group channel between current logged user and an admin of SendBird App by API request (and it shows in the admin panel like expected) but when I open channelList from SendBird UIKit SDK it doesn’t show it

Hello @darya.karneichuk,

UIKit creates channels by the includeEmptyChannel=false option.
If the includeEmptyChannel property is false, UIKit flow is moved to the channel screen when the channel is created. However, if you return to the list from the channel without sending a message, the channel is recognized as an empty channel in the list.
So, a situation can occur where the channel is not visible.
Would you like to check it after sending a message?

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could I set includeEmptyChannel as true and it’s gonna be shown? @Tez

I’m sorry @darya.karneichuk.
Currently, we are not support to set includeEmptyChannel property.
However, the our To-do list includes the feature to set up your own queries.
In addition, we are considering whether to support only the includeEmptyChannel attribute in priority.

If possible, can you tell me how empty channels are used?

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Hi @Tez
We would like to use the “includeEmptyChannel” also. We are creating a channel automatically for the user so there is no message on it and when the user goes to the chat list, as the chat is empty, the chat does not shown. We have patched it sending an automated message from our backend but we would like to remove the patch. Cheers!

Hi @Pablo
Thank you for your reply.

We decided to implement the function that uses ChannelListQuery directly so that you can set many properties including includeEmptyChannel property. and we’re working on it.
We’ll let you know when the feature is released :grinning:


Hello @Tez @Sravan_S we would really love to be able to set includeEmptyChannel to true via props at senbird-uikit's App react component. How can we achieve that easily nowadays? Thanks!

Hello @Toni_U
Sorry to late check your comment.

For iOS, when initializing the SBUChannelListViewController class, you can use the query to use the includeEmptyChannel property as true.

Please refer to the code below.

let query = SBDGroupChannel.createMyGroupChannelListQuery()
query?.includeEmptyChannel = true

let vc = SBUChannelListViewController(channelListQuery: query)
// use this viewController.