Unable to generate thumbnails for our file messages

Hey @Airen_Kang we also want to generate thumnails for our file messages, we tried to follow your documentation but failed to achieve it.

The documentation we followed to achieve it is here: Generate thumbnails of a file message | Chat JavaScript SDK | Sendbird Docs

the updated params we are sending is:

const params = new sendbirdInstance.FileMessageParams();
        params.file = {
          size: MSG?.fileSize,
          uri: MSG?.uri,
          type: MSG?.type,
          name: MSG?.fileName,
          thumbnailSizes: [
            { maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 },
            { maxWidth: 200, maxHeight: 200 },

but in our response we get no thumbnails.

what are we missing here?

Hi @Namrata_Jain
thumbnailSizes should be put in params not a params.file.

Try this

params.file = { ... };
params.thumbnailSizes = [ ... ];

Hey @Airen_Kang,
thanks, this worked for us.