Updated send bird and Xcode 14 getting different definitions in different modules error

  1. removed and reinstalled pods
  2. cleared derived data, restarted Xcode and system

‘SBDBannedUserListQuery’ has different definitions in different modules; first difference is definition in module ‘SendBirdSDK.SBDBannedUserListQuery’ found super class with type ‘SBDUserListQuery’

Same kind of errors
pods: SendBirdUIKit (3.2.0)
SendbirdChatSDK (4.0.14)

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I have the same problem, did you find a solution how to fix it?

If you are using SendBirdUIKit you don’t need SendbirdChatSDK so removing that and removing and reinstalling pods worked for me

Thanks, but it didn’t work for me.
I have installed

  • SendBirdSDK (3.1.28)
  • SendBirdUIKit (3.2.0)

Hi @Eugene_Vovk , you should remove SendBirdSDK from your podfile and add SendbirdChatSDK instead, which is our version 4 sdk. SendBirdUIKit 3.2.0 depends on SendbirdChatSDK 4.0.x.

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