AI Agent to Human Agent(Desk)

Can someone please explain in detail how to set up a takeover from an AI bot to a human agent in Desk? All the tutorials seem outdated, and the available “AI to human” function isn’t working at all. Any help would be appreciated!

Hi there.

I’m attaching a guide that contains details of a recent development for handing off from a bot to a Desk Agent.

Human handoff in Sendbird Desk_ V2 (3).pdf (317.8 KB)

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Hi Jason,
I appreciate your prompt and detailed answer!
I tried the process explained in your attached pdf however it is not working properly. I am getting this “failed to test request” and obviously when I am testing the bot via the desk widget during the human takeover it is returning an error.

My assumptions are:
Perhaps there is something wrong with ticket id attribution?
or this link should be different?

By the way is it possible to get more “testing” messages because while doing all these test I already exhausted the limit of 100 messages and cannot move forward.

Hi there.

For this case please can I ask what you replace the ticke_id with? In the document I shared I mention about needing to use - Channel.channel_url in place of ticket_id. Are you doing that please?

About the credits. Please can you dm me your app_id and I will see what I can do.


Hi Jason, thank you so much for sharing a simple PDF guide for the set up.
Following the PDF, I have been trying to implement the function but it gives 404 Not Found error when I try the function in the Bot tester.

Could I check if there have been updates in Sendbird that requires any alternations on the original PDF guide?

Thanks in advance!

@bd_kiyo Hi there.

I made a mistake in the document. You can see the target end point here.

I will update the document and post again.

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Ah got it!
Will wait for the updated version then…!


@bd_kiyo Hi there.

I’m wondering please can you DM me the exact end point you are using, and also your variables?
I took a deeper look and can’t seem to find an issue.

Got it! Will DM details to you.