Blank Screen delay with SendBirdProvider initialization

Hello! We have the React Toolkit integrated into a nextjs application, and the SendBirdProvider is placed in the root layout. We’re currently experiencing an issue where there is a noticeable delay (with a blank page) that prevents child components from rendering. I suspect this delay is due to SDK initialization? Is this behavior normal?

For context, we’ve implemented an in-app chat popover (so it’s not a full-blown chat app), and want to make the state globally available as some components outside of the chat need to interact with the SDK.

I am wondering if this is a common issue, and if there is a way to initialize the SDK (using the context provider) in a non blocking manner. Or maybe I implemented it incorrectly? Thanks

Here are our pkg versions:

@sendbird/chat - 4.12.1
@sendbird/uikit-react - 3.14.1
next - 14.2.3
react - 18