Can I use presence indicator in UIKit React?

Can I use presence in UIKit React?

When I search the features about presence indicators, there is no document for using presence indicators in React UIKit.
It’ll be thanks if you guys let me know if I can use it on React UIKit or not

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[UIKit Version]
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@sendbird/uikit-react”: “^3.15.9”,

          appId={process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PROBIT_SENDBIRD_APP_ID as string}
            groupChannel: {
              enableTypingIndicator: true,
              typingIndicatorTypes: new Set([TypingIndicatorType.Bubble, TypingIndicatorType.Text]),
          <GroupChannelProvider channelUrl={channelUrl}>
            <GroupChannel scrollBehavior="smooth" channelUrl={channelUrl} />

It’ll be better if I know when user left !