How to trigger:
- Let someone in channel typing
- And someone’s TypingIndicatorBubble is show
- And switch to another group channel without someone
- someone’s TypingIndicatorBubble is still show
someone typing in group channel A and someone’s TypingIndicatorBubble is show.
when I select to another group channel
the TypingIndicatorBubble should gone.
How should we address the issue where the TypingIndicatorBubble continues to display even when the channel is changed?
[UIKit Version]
“@sendbird/uikit-react”: “^3.12.1”
I had try the newest version:“3.13.2” but same issue.
[Reproduction Steps]
the setting:
import SendbirdProvider from '@sendbird/uikit-react/SendbirdProvider';
groupChannel: {
typingIndicatorTypes: new Set(['bubble']),
[Current impact]
Look strange