Displaying empty channels seems to be inconsistent in React

I am seeing inconsistent behaviour when trying to display empty channel in React

            limit: 100,
            includeEmpty: true,
            order: GroupChannelListOrder.CHRONOLOGICAL
          onChannelSelect={(channel) => {
            if (!channel || !channel._url) return;

That is my code that manages to get some empty channels.

I have attached my sendbird dashboard, I am filtering by the user so he is definitely in all these groups, all these groups have 2 members and are all empty

I have also included what I see when rendering the list using the code I showed above, it manages to get the empty channels but its missing ‘Group Channel 8’ and ‘Group Channel 1’. This happens a lot and in some cases I have 10-20 channels missing when I have more empty channels.

Am I doing something wrong here?