Not able to retrieve list of channels by url

Hi, I want to retrieve a list of specific channels using react uikit but I’m not able

This is code. I’m receiving an empty array on allChannels. It does work when I’m only queriying one url [sendbird_group_....] but it’s empty whit more than one url. Also, the same happens when querying from a rails sever using the platform api.

<SendbirdProvider appId={SENDBIRD_APP_ID} userId={sendbirdUserId} config={{ logLevel: 'info' }}>
          channelListQuery: {
            channelUrlsFilter: [
        <CustomUserList memberSprints={coachedMemberSprints} />

The expected would be to receive both channels.

Hi @Jose_Chavez.

  • Is the user member of channels?

  • Aren’t the channels empty(message not sent yet)?

Thanks for answering @sardorbek.numonov

Channels are not empty and the member belongs to them. I got the channels urls from requesting the channels without any filter. Also, they work when querying separately, this works:

          channelListQuery: {
            channelUrlsFilter: [

Is there another way to retrieve a list of specific channels and display them with the realtime features?

Did anyone find a solution to this issue?