Does sendbird have support call blocking?

Does sendbird have support call blocking ?

@Anonymous Welcome to Sendbird Community!
As of now Sendbird Calls do not support blocking feature.

Here is a workaround to block receiving calls from blocked users at UI Level:

Option A - API route.

  • UserA blocked UserB.
  • User B calls to the your proxy server.
  • Proxy server calls to Sendbird API to check if UserA is blocking UserB
  • UserB is not allowed to call UserA

Option B - Channel member route.

  • UserA blocked UserB.
  • Both users have a shared channel
  • User B calls to fetch the shared channel along with members.
  • Channel member list indicates if UserA isBlockingMe property
  • At the UI level UserB is not allowed to call UserA.

Let me know if you need any additional help.