Group Channels with messages returning last_message: None

When I get the list of a user’s channels via the API, in some cases the channel last_message object returns as None, but I can see in the sendbird dashboard that the channel does have messages.

Does the last message attribute refer to the last message the user sent or should it be any message in the group channel? If the latter why does it return as None?

For example, here is the channel from the response:

{'channel': {'channel_url': <private>,
             'cover_url': '',
             'created_at': 1670208324,
             'custom_type': '',
             'data': 'New chat channel per location',
             'max_length_message': 5000,
             'member_count': 6,
             'name': <private>},
 'channel_url': <private>,
 'count_preference': 'all',
 'cover_url': '',
 'created_at': 1670208324,
 'created_by': {'nickname': <private>,
                'profile_url': '',
                'require_auth_for_profile_image': False,
                'user_id': <private>},
 'custom_type': '',
 'data': 'New chat channel per location',
 'disappearing_message': {'is_triggered_by_message_read': False,
                          'message_survival_seconds': -1},
 'freeze': False,
 'hidden_state': 'unhidden',
 'ignore_profanity_filter': False,
 'invited_at': 1670208324183,
 'inviter': {'metadata': {<private>},
             'nickname': <private>,
             'profile_url': '',
             'require_auth_for_profile_image': False,
             'user_id': <private>},
 'is_access_code_required': False,
 'is_broadcast': False,
 'is_discoverable': False,
 'is_distinct': False,
 'is_ephemeral': False,
 'is_exclusive': False,
 'is_hidden': False,
 'is_muted': False,
 'is_public': False,
 'is_push_enabled': True,
 'is_super': False,
 'joined_member_count': 2,
 'joined_ts': 1670208324,
 'last_message': None,
 'last_queried_message': None,
 'max_length_message': 5000,
 'member_count': 6,
 'member_state': 'invited',
 'message_survival_seconds': -1,
 'my_role': 'operator',
 'name': <private>,
 'push_trigger_option': 'default',
 'sms_fallback': {'exclude_user_ids': [], 'wait_seconds': -1},
 'ts_message_offset': 0,
 'unread_mention_count': 0,
 'unread_message_count': 0,
 'user_last_read': 1670208324183}

This is a screenshot of the channel from the Sendbird dashboard.

Hello @mike_visser,

It looks like the user is in an invited status and not a joined status. Because the user is invited and not joined, we do not track statistics about the channel from the users context. This does mean that the channel would be considered to have no last_messages for the user. Once they’re joined, that value should update.