We have a use case like User-A can see the list of channels where he is part of the group channel.
User-A has opened the group channel chat and had some conversation with User-B and then he closes the chat window. After some time User-B has sent some couple of new messages. Since User-A has close the chat window for him the new messages should be shown as unread message, But all the new message are getting consider as read & User-A is missing the those messages.
So to fix the above issue please let us know how to close the group channel season properly. We are using “sendbirdmin.js” & “chat.js” like websample app.
Can you share with us how you’re “closing” the chat window? If you’re not using the UIKit you would have to be manually calling the markAsRead() method, otherwise the messages would be considered unread.
Can you show me how you’re calling markAsRead()? There is no such channel.close() behavior as its intended you implement any unsubscribe logic yourself.