In React Native Redux Syncmanager sample, onMetaDataUpdated event is not firing

Hello, we are trying to implement Sendbird into our React Native mobile app, and we are trying out the Syncmanager to enhance our user experience and overall performance.

Because we are quite new to the concept, we decided to build the app from the example repository below.

Repo: SendBird-JavaScript/react-native-redux-syncmanager-sample at master · sendbird/SendBird-JavaScript · Git

However, as stated in the documentation link(Channel sync | SyncManager JavaScript SDK | Sendbird Docs), when a channel’s metadata is updated, the onMetaDataUpdated event should fire and cause the SendBirdSyncManager.ChannelCollection.CollectionHandler().onChannelEvent to fire a update action.
However no event is being fired to the callback method when the channel’s metadata is updated.

So, we tried another repository (SendBird-JavaScript/web-basic-sample-syncmanager at master · sendbird/SendBird-JavaScript · GitHub</titl) and ran it, and updated the channel’s metadata in the dashboard and saw the update event from onMetaDataUpdated successfully being handled in the callback of the syncmanager.

However only the SendBird-JavaScript/react-native-redux-syncmanager-sample at master · sendbird/SendBird-JavaScript · Git React Native repo, the onMetaDataUpdated event is not being handeld in the callback of the syncmanager.

Could you guys fix the problem in the react-native-redux-syncmanager-sample repository? So that onMetaDataUpdated events are successfully being handled?


Hi @Dexter_Kim,

Looking at the samples, it looks like you added in the onMetaDataUpdated handlers for each. Could you share how you did so? Additionally, what versions of the SyncManager SDK were both samples running on?