To install the SendBird Framework without CocoaPods, add this line to Xcode - Build Settings - Linking - Other Linker Flags:
-ObjC -l"icucore" -framework “CFNetwork” -framework “Foundation” -framework “MobileCoreServices” -framework “QuartzCore” -framework “Security” -framework “UIKit” -framework “CoreGraphics” -framework “SystemConfiguration” -framework “CoreFoundation”
Then, download the SendBird iOS Framework from the links below.
- Version 3:
- Version 2:
Finally, drag and drop SendBirdSDK.framework onto Xcode’s Project navigator.
If the build fails with the error Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: “_utf8_nextCharSafeBody” , add libicucore.tbd to Linked Frameworks and Libraries in the General tab of your target in Xcode.