My reactions are not loading in iOS native

I’ve implemented default sendBird chatting in my app, but my emojis (reactions) are not loading. I’m getting a question mark image as a placeholder. I’m getting this in my Log - Could not load the “emojiFail” image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier “com.sendbird.uikit”

‘SendBirdUIKit’,‘2.2.3’, Latest SendBirdSDK as of 5 Jan 2023
This is the code inside my

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) → UITableViewCell {}

    let message = self.fullMessageList[indexPath.row]

    let isSameDay = self.checkSameDayAsNextMessage(currentIndex: indexPath.row)
    let receiptState = SBUUtils.getReceiptState(of: message, in: channel)
    let useReaction = SBUEmojiManager.useReaction(channel: channel)
    let cell = super.tableView(tableView, cellForRowAt: indexPath)
    if let cell = super.tableView(tableView, cellForRowAt: indexPath) as? SBUUserMessageCell {
        cell.userNameView.isHidden = true
        cell.profileView.isHidden = true
        let configuration = SBUUserMessageCellParams(
            message: message as! SBDUserMessage,
            hideDateView: isSameDay,
            useMessagePosition: true,
            receiptState: receiptState,
            useReaction: true,
            withTextView: true)
        cell.configure(with: configuration)
        cell.configure(highlightInfo: highlightInfo)
        return cell
    } else {
        return cell

This issue occurs Every-time, screenshot added for reference

We are also running into this issue on iOS. Android and web are working fine, just iOS. It does not occur all the time, it just seems like service outages.

Did you manage to figure out what the issue was?

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Not yet, ya it happens in iOS only. We’ve currently disabled long tap gesture on message to stop users from using emojis

Thanks for the reply. I would love to know if this is something prevalent across the iOS Sendbird UIKit. Couldn’t find any help or other people having issues though. I will update the thread in case I come across anything.

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Realize this is a long dead thread, but I ran into this problem and had to hunt for a while to get it working. May be unrelated to what was going on back in Jan 2023, but I found that the quickstart project ( sendbird-uikit-ios/Sample at main · sendbird/sendbird-uikit-ios · GitHub ) was loading my emoji fine. After some digging I saw that in their connect they were using:

SendbirdChat.connect(userId: userId, authToken: SBUGlobals.accessToken) { [userId, nickname] user, error in
            defer {
                SBUEmojiManager.loadAllEmojis { _, _ in }

and adding SBUEmojiManager.loadAllEmojis fixed it for me.