Platform API: /my_group_channels does not return channels created with /group_channels API

I am creating a new channel with 2 users (distinct channel) on my server using the platform API.
The channel seems to be created successfully. But later then I try to get the channels for the current user using this API: api-{application_id}{user_id}/my_group_channels, I get an empty list. I am 100% sure I am giving the correct user_id for this call. What am I missing?

// If problem, please fill out the below. If question, please delete.
[SDK Version]
// What version of the SDK are you using? v3

[Reproduction Steps]
Upon creating the channel, I get this response:
“channel_url”: “590872151851009_Wh6QgveOhBQ4ZSdOCJ0O59vFqyk2”,
“name”: “Group Channel”,
“cover_url”: “”,
“data”: “”,
“member_count”: 2,
“joined_member_count”: 2,
“max_length_message”: 5000,
“created_at”: 1693087636,
“custom_type”: “”,
“is_distinct”: true,
“is_super”: false,
“is_broadcast”: false,
“is_public”: false,
“is_discoverable”: false,
“freeze”: false,
“is_ephemeral”: false,
“unread_message_count”: 0,
“unread_mention_count”: 0,
“ignore_profanity_filter”: false,
“id”: 477164477,
“channel”: {
“channel_url”: “590872151851009_Wh6QgveOhBQ4ZSdOCJ0O59vFqyk2”,
“name”: “Group Channel”,
“cover_url”: “”,
“data”: “”,
“created_at”: 1693087636,
“custom_type”: “”,
“max_length_message”: 5000,
“member_count”: 2
“created_by”: null,
“disappearing_message”: {
“is_triggered_by_message_read”: false,
“message_survival_seconds”: -1
“is_access_code_required”: false,
“is_created”: true, // This is false when I repeat the call, probably becuase channel is distinct
“message_survival_seconds”: -1,
“sms_fallback”: {
“wait_seconds”: -1,
“last_message”: null,
“members”: [
“user_id”: “Wh65gveOhBijdSdOCJ0O59vFqak2”,
“nickname”: “User name”,
“profile_url”: “”,
“require_auth_for_profile_image”: false,
“metadata”: {},
“is_online”: false,
“last_seen_at”: -1,
“state”: “joined”,
“is_active”: true,
“role”: “operator”,
“is_muted”: false,
“muted_end_at”: -1,
“muted_description”: “”
“user_id”: “590872151851009”,
“nickname”: “Other User”,
“profile_url”: “”,
“require_auth_for_profile_image”: false,
“metadata”: {},
“is_online”: true,
“last_seen_at”: 0,
“state”: “joined”,
“is_active”: true,
“role”: “”,
“is_muted”: false,
“muted_end_at”: -1,
“muted_description”: “”
“operators”: [
“user_id”: “Wh6QgveOhBQ4ZSdOCJ0O59vFqyk2”,
“nickname”: “User name”,
“profile_url”: “”,
“require_auth_for_profile_image”: false,
“metadata”: {},
“is_online”: false,
“last_seen_at”: 0,
“state”: “”,
“is_active”: true

[Current impact]
I am blocked on implementation since I cannot get the channel I am creating.

If the channel does not have any messages, it is not returned by default. You can change your API call to show_empty and it will then be returned.

Indeed! I figured out that sending a placeholder message does the trick. But using include_empty is cleaner. However for the default UIKit to show the channel, I might need to use the placeholder message hack. Or is there a better way?

Each of the UIKit’s have a way to modify the default channel query so that you can pass show_empty.

Small correction – the parameter is show_empty. Just wanted to mention here incase someone else bumps into this thread.
Thank you.