Read Receipts timestamps always match message created timestamp

Can I get an explanation for what the timestamps in GroupChannel.prototype.getReadStatus represent? The documentation makes it sound like the last_seen_at property would represent the time at which that user had a markAsRead event triggered for the channel from their account. But when I inspect those values, they always correspond to the createdAt timestamp for the most recently read message (i.e. the most recent message sent at the time the channel was marked as read by the user).

Similarly, in the group_channel:message_read event in the webhooks, the read_ts always matches the created_at of the most recently sent message at the time of the event firing, and does not correspond to the time that the event was triggered. This is extremely counterintuitive, almost to the point of me wondering if this is a bug.

Hi @jkepps,

This is expected behavior. We utilized the created_at timestamp of the most recently read message as the read_ts of the user.

@Tyler got it… so is there any way to get a timestamp for when the markAsRead event was fired?