Remove buttons and translations issue

Hello all,

we would like to know if the following is possible in the Sendbird Chat App:

  1. we would like to remove/hide the “create a new chat room/channel button”.

  2. we would like to hide the “channel information button”.

  3. moreover, we are currently using the developer plan and could not see the translation feature anywhere.

Thank you and greetings from Berlin

Hello @Oliver, Welcome to Sendbird Community.

  1. To hide the “create a new chat room/channel” button, you can simply apply these CSS styles to override the default CSS.
.sendbird-channel-header .sendbird-channel-header__right-icon {
  display: none !important;
  1. For hiding the channel info button, override the CSS styles with the following
.sendbird-chat-header .sendbird-chat-header__right__info {
  display: none !important;
  1. To access the Translation feature, navigate to Application Settings → Chat → Features as demonstrated in the screenshot below.

Feel free to let me know if you need any additional help!

Hi! For the third question, I’m using the UIkit for translation. But finding there is “const esTranslatedMessage = message.translations[‘es’]; // Spanish.
// …” for users, I wonder how to use the message to send? Thanks for your help!