Request timeout. SbOpenChannel.SendFileMessage()

Good day!
I am sending message files to a personal open channel.
From my experience, I will say this: if I send a file of less than 1 megabyte, then everything is fine. But if I send a file larger than 1 megabyte, I get a “Request timeout” warning. At the same time, the progress of sending the file goes astray and becomes 0 percent.

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[SDK Version]

[Reproduction Steps]

  1. I use the NativeGallery plugin to select a file to send and receive the string filePath response

  2. I pass the received filePath as an argument to create a new SbFileInfo, something like:

     var sbFileMessageCreateParams = new SbFileMessageCreateParams(new SbFileInfo(pathToBigPhoto))
         FileSize = size,

I can specify the FileSize, or I can not transfer it, because it does not change anything

  1. If the file is less than 1 megabyte or it has time to go to the servers before receiving a “Request timeout” message, then the file is sent. And if not, then not

I will indicate my implementation of the method

    public static void SendPhotoToMyselfChannel(SbFileMessageCreateParams fileMessageCreateParams, SbMultiProgressHandler inProgressHandler, SbFileMessageHandler inCompletionHandler )
        SendbirdProfile.MyselfChannel.SendFileMessage(fileMessageCreateParams, inProgressHandler,inCompletionHandler);

Using the method:

public void TestSend()
    var sbFileMessageCreateParams = new SbFileMessageCreateParams(new SbFileInfo(pathToBigPhoto))
        FileSize = size

        UploadHandler, OnCompleteHandler);

private void UploadHandler(string inRequestId, ulong inBytesSent, ulong inTotalBytesSent,
    ulong inTotalBytesExpectedToSend)
    var percent = inBytesSent / (float)inTotalBytesExpectedToSend;

private void OnCompleteHandler(SbFileMessage inFileMessage, SbError inError)
    if (inError != null)

    SetPhotoReady(bigSprite, inMessage.PlainUrl);
    onSaveLocal?.Invoke(inMessage, bigSprite);


[Current impact]
My task is to create something like a social network where I use a profile photo and this profile can have several photos. I store them in a public channel assigned to the user. Something like this

    private static async void TryToCreateOpenChannel()
        var postUrl = CurrenUser.GetMetaData(POST_WALL_URL);
        if (postUrl == null)
            var postWallUrl = await CreateMyPostWall();
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            dictionary.Add(POST_WALL_URL, postWallUrl);
            CurrenUser.CreateMetaData(dictionary, (newDictionaryInfo, inError ) => { });
            SendbirdChat.OpenChannel.GetChannel(postUrl, (inChannel, inCache, inGetChannelError) =>
                if (inGetChannelError != null)
                    return; // Handle error.

                    MyselfChannel = inChannel;

    private static async Task<string> CreateMyPostWall()
        var tsk = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
        SbOpenChannelCreateParams openChannelCreateParams = new SbOpenChannelCreateParams();
        openChannelCreateParams.Name = USER_ID + "Wall";
        openChannelCreateParams.CustomType = "Wall";
        openChannelCreateParams.OperatorUserIds = new List<string> { USER_ID };

        SendbirdChat.OpenChannel.CreateChannel(openChannelCreateParams, (inChannel, inError) =>
            if (inError != null)


        return await tsk.Task;

If I can’t solve the problem, I’ll either compress the image somehow, or use another approach to save photos (which I don’t really want, because your implementation is convenient)

Thank you!

Is there anyone here?