Sendbird.connect is not a function

I followed the installation guide for sendbird but i kept on getting this error:

Here’s my code:

export const sbConnect = (userId: string, nickname: string) => {
    return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
        if (!userId) {
            reject('User ID is required.')
        if (!nickname) {
            reject('Nickname is required.')
        let sb = SendBird.getInstance();
        if (!sb) sb = new SendBird({ appId: Config.SENDBIRD_APP_ID })
        sb.connect(userId, (user, error) => {
            console.log({ user })
            if (error) {
                reject('SendBird Login Failed.')
            } else {
        }).catch(err => resolve(err))

This is the code when I locate the source of the error in Sendbird.min.js:

Hi @jacobaparecio,

Welcome to the Sendbird Community. Are you using this in any specific framework or is this occurring in raw Javascript?

Hello @Tyler, I am using sendbird for react native.

Hello @jacobaparecio,

Could you provide me with the version of React-Native you’re using as well as the version of the Sendbird SDK? I’ve not been able to reproduce this yet.

react-native version: 0.64.2
sendbird version 3.0.155

The error happens when I try to execute the function sb.connect(), it throws an error saying that it is not a function…