// Detailed description of issue.
On the most recent versions of React Native (0.73.3) and iOS (17.2.1)
the base UIKit integrations for React Native do not function out of the box
because once a message is sent, a ‘localize’ object must be present in the locale
// If problem, please fill out the below. If question, please delete.
[UIKit Version]
// What version of the SDK are you using?
[Reproduction Steps]
// Please provide reproduction steps and, if possible, code snippets.
generate new React Native project and implement the ‘Send Your First Message’ docs
on the site
// How frequently is this issue occurring?
every new project
[Current impact]
// How is this currently impacting your implementation?
I have a solution, so it is currently not, but it took over an hour of debugging the
native files to get to this solution so hopefully this helps someone else
import { StringSetEn,
} from ‘@sendbird/uikit-react-native’
**** SET THIS PROPERTY ON UIKitContainer: localization={{ stringSet: StringSetEn }} ******
localCacheStorage: AsyncStorage,
onInitialized: SetSendbirdSDK,
enableAutoPushTokenRegistration: true,