Trying to include SDK via min.js file

I’m trying to get sendbird up and running, and as for the tutorial i downloaded the sendbird.min.js file from the github repository. However, when I’m trying to use SendBird in another js file, it is undefined.

<script type="text/javascript" src="sendbird.min.js"></script>
<script src="main.js"></script>

This is the HTML i use, and here’s an example for main.js:
function checkBird(){
if (typeof(SendBird) === ‘undefined’) {
console.log(‘SendBird is undefined’);
setTimeout(checkBird, 300);
console.log(‘SendBird is defined’);


this logs undefined perpetually. Thanks in advance for any hints.

Hello @Eric_Sommerhalder,

Welcome to the Sendbird Community.

I believe that it should be Sendbird with a lowercase b .

Thanks alot! Unfortunately the issue persists after fixing the typo:
function checkBird(){
if (typeof(Sendbird) === ‘undefined’) {
console.log(‘Sendbird is undefined’);
setTimeout(checkBird, 300);
console.log(‘Sendbird is defined’);


still prints undefined.

Looks like this may be an issue with our latest minified sdk. I’m taking a look and will update you when I have some news.

Yes indeed, I just checked out release 4.10.5 and with that it works.