Uikit integration with objetive -c

Hi, I have tried to integrate the uikit by following the steps below (https://docs.sendbird.com/ios/ui_kit_getting_started) but I can’t go ahead, I get the following error, I just want to show the channel list.

@Fernando_Agustin_Rom Could you tell me UIKit SDK version?

Hi! I followed the steps that the link says, it doesn’t say the version. Then try to do it with tag 1.1.3 with the same result

Hello @Fernando_Agustin_Rom ,

Sorry for the inconvenience in using UIKit.
I was missing handling to the “Objective-C” part of Apple’s initialization feature change.
I just distributed the revised version through version 1.1.4.
Please test it in the new version.

Thank you for reporting the problem!

Hi, thank you very much for your prompt reply, I am testing it and it seems to work, one question, since the uikit is in Swift, appDelegate is a .mm (Objective-c ++) file can it be used inside this? ? ? how? So I was researching, if not what do you think, how can I fix it?

No problem, there I could solve it! thank you. Works correctly!

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I’m glad you found a solution!
Feel free to ask me whenever you have any other problems! :grinning:

@Tez One question, is there an example of push notifications, I follow the steps described in the configuration but I can’t get them to work, I chat between two people with an app in the background and nothing comes, but I don’t see an error either.

Hi @Fernando_Agustin_Rom,
Sorry to late reply.

we need to check some things for push notifications.

  • is the push certificate registered in the Sendbird dashboard?
  • And did you register the push key in the code?

Please refer to the links below.

Please reply after checking. :pray:t2: