V.1.0.7 - propTypes warnings

We upgraded from 1.0.2 -> 1.0.7 last week and I noticed the following warning in the console in development:

instrument.js:139 Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `onScroll` of type `function` supplied to `ConversationScroll`, expected `object`.
    in ConversationScroll (created by ConversationPanel)
    in ConversationPanel (created by Context.Consumer)
    in SendbirdAwareConversationPanel (at SendbirdChatApp.tsx:34)
    in Sendbird (at SendbirdChatApp.tsx:26)
    in ChatApp

From digging into the sendbird-uikit node module, I noticed the following bits of code:


ConversationScroll.propTypes = {
  // https://stackoverflow.com/a/52646941
  scrollRef: PropTypes.shape({
    current: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.element, PropTypes.shape({})])
  hasMore: PropTypes.bool,
  messagesDispatcher: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
  onScroll: PropTypes.shape({
    load: PropTypes.func,
    hasMore: PropTypes.bool

call site

React__default.createElement(ConversationScroll, {
    swapParams: sdk && sdk.getErrorFirstCallback && sdk.getErrorFirstCallback(),
    scrollRef: scrollRef,
    hasMore: hasMore,
    disabled: !isOnline,
    messagesDispatcher: messagesDispatcher,
    onScroll: onScrollCallback,

where onScrollCallback is a function, not an object.

I also noticed this one this morning, although I haven’t had time to dig in yet:

instrument.js:139 Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `placeholder` of type `boolean` supplied to `ForwardRef`, expected `string`.
    in ForwardRef (created by ConversationPanel)
    in ConversationPanel (created by Context.Consumer)
    in SendbirdAwareConversationPanel (at SendbirdChatApp.tsx:34)
    in Sendbird (at SendbirdChatApp.tsx:26)
    in ChatApp

Not causing us any issues at the moment - the code seems to be correct, just not the propTypes - just wanted to flag the warnings. We are using TypeScript 3.9.3 FWIW.


Yes, correct, sorry for the inconvenience

Will fix it

All good! Thanks for the prompt response and hope these bug reports are helpful. :slight_smile:

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So, we release a v1.0.9 with the fix

I would recommend you to try out v1.1.2 which includes reactions(if you enabled it in the dashboard)