Welcome to the official SendBird Community (Open forum)!

Welcome to the official SendBird Community (Open Forum)! :sendbird: Browse by category, tag or top posts. To join, click “Sign up” via Google SSO or your email. Then you can:

  1. Ask questions in the following categories
    a. SendBird Chat API/SDK: Android, iOS, JavaScript, Flutter, Unity, .Net, API
    b. SendBird Chat UIKit: Android, iOS, JavaScript
    c. SendBird Voice/Video Calls: Android, iOS, JavaScript, API
    d. SendBird Desk: Android, iOS, JavaScript, API
  2. Introduce yourself and tell us what brought you here
  3. Share/Learn projects you’ve built and ask for feedback
  4. Give feedback on our product(feature request) or process.

For any sales inquiry(pricing, service limit increase), please feel free to reach out to our sales team here

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