Allowing user to reuse channel in AI Chatbot widget

Has anyone had any luck adding ChannelURL, SessionToken, UserID type parameters to the URL of the AI Chatbot widget?

I am trying to use the AI Chatbot widget in my Adalo app via WebViewer. I’m hoping the chatbot widget can recognise the user and the chatroom based on the parameters I feed into the URL, but after 14 hours of trying, I’ve realised I’m stuck

I setup the user, sessionID, chatroomURL, etc correctly and input this into the URL.
The Dashboard shows the user is setup and the chatroom is setup, with the user invited.
The user shows offline.
On opening the widget, it creates a brand new chatroom and brand new user - ignoring the parameters I’ve fed it.
The newly created user shows online.

Has anyone had any luck or can point me in the right direction please?

Hi @BuilderFounder.
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