Cannot answer call on iOS on killed state (sendbird_calls_react_native.RNCallsInternalError error 4.)

I cannot answer the call when app on killed state (iOS),

i’ve followed this instruction Receive a call in the background | Calls React Native SDK | Sendbird Docs

SendbirdCalls.getDirectCall works fine on foreground and background, only problems on killed state

i use try catch on SendbirdCalls.getDirectCall and i got this error
[Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (sendbird_calls_react_native.RNCallsInternalError error 4.)]
i cannot find this error anywhere Error codes | Calls React Native SDK | Sendbird Docs

@Jason1 could you confirm if you have background fetch and VOIP has been enabled in XCode capabilities?

I am also facing this issue right now. I have checked to enable both VoIP and background fetch in XCode as well. Can someone help me with this?

I am currently encountering the same issue. I have confirmed that both VoIP and background fetch are enabled in XCode. Could someone assist me with resolving this? If anyone can provide help, I will definitely consider to purchasing the Sendbird Call plan.

I am facing the same issue anyone Please help @Chinmaya_Gupta @Varun_V

Can someone help me with this? I’m facing the same issue but in the foreground mode. I get the callId from push notifications:
VoipPushNotification.addEventListener(‘notification’, (notification) => { });