Chat history & persistence

Hi, everyone.

It is possible for our artists & buyers to have long conversations related to landing an illustration request. ie - Buyers may want to supply reference images, see sketches, and generally iterate for some time before and after paying for an initial piece. So, ideally, we would be able to maintain the chat thread between an artist/buyer pair indefinitely. ie - it would be great if a buyer could come back to the same artist after an extended period (6 months, 1 year, 10 years) and be able to pick up the conversation where they left off.

So, how far back does chat thread history go?
Is there a way to pay for it to go back forever?

Hi @Danzig,

By default message retention is 6 months. Increased retention can be done by working with our Sales team to modify your current subscription. As far as what that pricing structure looks like, I don’t quite have those answers, so you’d want to speak with Sales.