Crash when choosing the option "Reply in Thread"

I’m getting this crash when the Thread screen opens when I choose the option “Reply in Thread”. From the logs seems to be an image that is missing maybe?

Is it possible to disable Reactions for Thread screen?

**Could not load the "emojiFail" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "com.sendbird.uikit"**

🎨SBULog 📕Error Main [2022-12-12 21:02:09.740 SBUEmojiManager:getAllEmojis():60] [Failed] Emoji List: load emoji

[UIKit Version]
SendbirdChatSDK 4.2.0
SendbirdUIKit 3.3.1

[Reproduction Steps]

This is my initialization code:

public static func initialize(applicationId: String) {
        SendbirdUI.initialize(applicationId: applicationId) { // This is the origin.
            // Initialization of SendbirdUIKit has started.
            // Show a loading indicator.
        } migrationHandler: {
            // DB migration has started.
            print("Sendbird migration started - \(Date())")
        } completionHandler: { error in
            // If DB migration is successful, proceed to the next step.
            // If DB migration fails, an error exists.
            // Hide the loading indicator.
            if let error = error {
                print("Sendbird migration error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
            } else {
                print("Sendbird migration completed - \(Date())")

        SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.listComponent = CustomGroupChannelModuleList()
        SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.listComponent?.register(adminMessageCell: CustomAdminCell())
        SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.listComponent?.register(userMessageCell: CustomUserMessageCell())
        SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.listComponent?.register(fileMessageCell: CustomFileMessageCell())
        SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.listComponent?.channelStateBanner = CustomChannelStateBanner()
        SBUGlobals.isChannelListMessageReceiptStateEnabled = true
        SBUGlobals.isChannelListTypingIndicatorEnabled = false
        SBUGlobals.isUserProfileEnabled = false
        SBUGlobals.isUserMentionEnabled = false
        SBUGlobals.reply.replyType = .thread
        SBUGlobals.reply.threadReplySelectType = .thread

When I select a message from another user in the group channel and choose the option “Reply in Thread”, the Thread screen opens and crashes instantly.

Every time.

[Current impact]
Can’t use the Reply in Thread feature.

Hi there,

If you want to disable Reply in UIKit, you can set SBUReplyType to none. But, we do not currently provide an interface that disables the reaction only on the thread screen.

Unfortunately, the thread view controller follows the channel’s reaction status, and regarding views and functions have limitations to customize, it is hard to customize.
If you want to customize asap, our recommendation is to use Sendbird UIKit as open source and change the source code directly in SBUParentMessageInfoView or updateParentInfoView(parentMessage:) method in SBUMessageThreadModule.List.
Also we’ll update it and reflect on upcoming version which is going to be released next week or early Jan.

Hey, thanks for your response!

Is there a way to just disable the reactions? I mean for both Thread and Channel controllers.

I’m doing this way setting includeReactions to false but it still trying to get the emojis and failing:

let params = MessageListParams()
params.includeMetaArray = false
params.includeReactions = false
params.includeThreadInfo = false
params.includeParentMessageInfo = SBUGlobals.reply.replyType != .none
params.replyType = SBUGlobals.reply.replyType.filterValue
params.messageTypeFilter = .user
let controller = GroupChannelViewController(channelURL: channelUrl, messageListParams: params)

Hey, thanks for your response!

Is there a way to disable reactions for both Channel and Thread view controllers? I’m doing this way setting includeReactions to false but it is still trying to get the emojis and crashing:

let params = MessageListParams()
params.includeMetaArray = false
params.includeReactions = false
params.includeThreadInfo = false
params.includeParentMessageInfo = SBUGlobals.reply.replyType != .none
params.replyType = SBUGlobals.reply.replyType.filterValue
params.messageTypeFilter = .user
let controller = GroupChannelViewController(channelURL: channelUrl ?? "", messageListParams: params)

Hello @ricardosuman ,

Could you please try it with UIKit v3.6.1 (Android). This should fix your issue.