Crash while video call @ WebRTC

ios 15.3.1

  • SendBirdCalls (1.9.2):
    • SendBirdWebRTC (~> 1.4.0)
  • SendBirdSDK (3.0.238)
  • SendBirdSyncManager (1.1.41):
    • SendBirdSDK (~> 3.0.236)
  • SendBirdWebRTC (1.4.0)

Our app start crashing at WEBRTC while making video calls.

This is a precompiled framework used on SendBirdCalls correct?
Do you have any reports similar? can you assist ?

0  libobjc.A.dylib                0x2b50 objc_release + 16
1  WebRTC                         0x5fd1e0 -[RTCMTLVideoView drawInMTKView:] + 191 (RTCMTLVideoView.m:191)
2  MetalKit                       0x4694 -[MTKView draw] + 184
3  MetalKit                       0x12fa0 -[MTKViewDisplayLinkTarget draw] + 40
4  QuartzCore                     0x10378 CA::Display::DisplayLink::dispatch_items(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long) + 756
5  QuartzCore                     0x16af18 CA::Display::DisplayLink::dispatch_deferred_display_links() + 356
6  UIKitCore                      0xe5ae0c __setupUpdateSequence_block_invoke + 216
7  UIKitCore                      0x7ddb44 _UIUpdateSequenceRun + 84
8  UIKitCore                      0xe5a84c schedulerStepScheduledMainSection + 144
9  UIKitCore                      0xe59e3c runloopSourceCallback + 60
10 CoreFoundation                 0xbb0d0 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 28
11 CoreFoundation                 0xcbd90 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 208
12 CoreFoundation                 0x6098 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 268
13 CoreFoundation                 0xb8a4 __CFRunLoopRun + 820
14 CoreFoundation                 0x1f468 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600
15 GraphicsServices               0x138c GSEventRunModal + 164
16 UIKitCore                      0x5195d0 -[UIApplication _run] + 1100
17 UIKitCore                      0x297f74 UIApplicationMain + 364
18 libswiftUIKit.dylib            0x30fa0 UIApplicationMain(_:_:_:_:) + 104
19 OurApp                          0x790c main + 4340349196 (Feed+Localize.swift:4340349196)
20 ???                            0x104c2daa4 (Missing)

iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro
also iOS 15.2.1

Hi @jserra ,

Welcome to Sendbird Community!

Did you upgrade any of the versions that you provided recently or make any changes to your app?

We’ve updated the pods in early December from

 SendBirdCalls (1.7.1):
    - SendBirdWebRTC (~> 1.3.0)


SendBirdCalls (1.9.2):
    - SendBirdWebRTC (~> 1.4.0)

I believe we didn’t changed any code from our side

not sure if its related, might help to understand something, but we also got another crash here

0  libobjc.A.dylib                0x51a0 objc_autorelease + 16
1  WebRTC                         0x5fcec0 -[RTCMTLVideoView drawInMTKView:] + 140 (RTCMTLVideoView.m:140)
2  MetalKit                       0x4694 -[MTKView draw] + 184
3  MetalKit                       0x12fa0 -[MTKViewDisplayLinkTarget draw] + 40
4  QuartzCore                     0x10d1c CA::Display::DisplayLink::dispatch_items(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long) + 756
5  QuartzCore                     0x16b8b4 CA::Display::DisplayLink::dispatch_deferred_display_links() + 356
6  UIKitCore                      0xe5ab70 __setupUpdateSequence_block_invoke + 216
7  UIKitCore                      0x7de5fc _UIUpdateSequenceRun + 84
8  UIKitCore                      0xe5a5b0 schedulerStepScheduledMainSection + 144
9  UIKitCore                      0xe59ba0 runloopSourceCallback + 60
10 CoreFoundation                 0xbb0d0 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 28
11 CoreFoundation                 0xcbd90 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 208
12 CoreFoundation                 0x6098 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 268
13 CoreFoundation                 0xb8a4 __CFRunLoopRun + 820
14 CoreFoundation                 0x1f468 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600
15 GraphicsServices               0x138c GSEventRunModal + 164
16 UIKitCore                      0x51a088 -[UIApplication _run] + 1100
17 UIKitCore                      0x298958 UIApplicationMain + 2092
18 libswiftUIKit.dylib            0x30fa0 UIApplicationMain(_:_:_:_:) + 104
19 Our App                          0x790c main + 4377983244 (Feed+Localize.swift:4377983244)
20 ???                            0x100e05aa4 (Missing)

@jserra , Sorry for the late response.

I’ve reported this issue to our engineering team.
Once I get any feedback from them, I will let you know.

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Any update on this issue? we are getting some bad reviews due these crashes

Hello! Any update on this?

@jserra @PauloFonseca ,
Our team is still investigating this issue. I will check this out with the team again.

@PauloFonseca , I’ve got your support ticket and will report it to our team as well.

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iOS SDK 1.9.3 and WebRTC SDK 1.5.0 have been released.

Updated to 1.9.3 and 1.5.0 and got this crash:

0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3110 objc_release + 16
1 WebRTC 0xe4a50 RTCFileName + 15296
2 MetalKit 0x46fc -[MTKView draw] + 184
3 MetalKit 0x12fb8 -[MTKViewDisplayLinkTarget draw] + 40
4 QuartzCore 0x10324 CA::Display::DisplayLink::dispatch_items(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long) + 748
5 QuartzCore 0x16b174 CA::Display::DisplayLink::dispatch_deferred_display_links() + 348
6 UIKitCore 0xe5e254 __setupUpdateSequence_block_invoke + 216
7 UIKitCore 0x7d8084 _UIUpdateSequenceRun + 84
8 UIKitCore 0xe5dcb0 schedulerStepScheduledMainSection + 144
9 UIKitCore 0xe5d478 runloopSourceCallback + 92
11 CoreFoundation 0xccc90 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 208
12 CoreFoundation 0x6184 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 268
13 CoreFoundation 0xbb4c __CFRunLoopRun + 828
14 CoreFoundation 0x1f6b8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600
15 GraphicsServices 0x1374 GSEventRunModal + 164
16 UIKitCore 0x513e88 -[UIApplication _run] + 1100
17 UIKitCore 0x2955ec UIApplicationMain + 364
18 Runner 0x6f5c main + 6 (AppDelegate.swift:6)
19 ??? 0x1013edce4 (Missing)

1.7.1 with 1.3.0 is the last version that seems to work without crashing for us.

The crash on 1.9.3 and 1.5.0 happened during call at about 19 minutes after starting call on.

Hi @asaarnak ,

Thank you for letting me know.
I will add this info to the internal report in order to investigate furthermore and keep you updated on the support ticket.


Any update on this issue?
Now we’ve this crash, that seems to be related (iOS SDK 1.9.4):

0  libobjc.A.dylib                0x3180 objc_release + 16
1  libobjc.A.dylib                0x7b14 AutoreleasePoolPage::releaseUntil(objc_object**) + 196
2  libobjc.A.dylib                0x3e54 objc_autoreleasePoolPop + 212
3  MetalKit                       0x12fb8 -[MTKViewDisplayLinkTarget draw] + 40
4  QuartzCore                     0x10840 CA::Display::DisplayLink::dispatch_items(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long) + 748
5  QuartzCore                     0x16c834 CA::Display::DisplayLink::dispatch_deferred_display_links() + 348
6  UIKitCore                      0x7d8d5c _UIUpdateSequenceRun + 84
7  UIKitCore                      0xe5fedc schedulerStepScheduledMainSection + 144
8  UIKitCore                      0xe5f6a4 runloopSourceCallback + 92
9  CoreFoundation                 0xbb414 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 28
10 CoreFoundation                 0xcc1a0 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 208
11 CoreFoundation                 0x5694 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 268
12 CoreFoundation                 0xb05c __CFRunLoopRun + 828
13 CoreFoundation                 0x1ebc8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600
14 GraphicsServices               0x1374 GSEventRunModal + 164
15 UIKitCore                      0x514b58 -[UIApplication _run] + 1100
16 UIKitCore                      0x296090 UIApplicationMain + 364
17 libswiftUIKit.dylib            0x30ecc UIApplicationMain(_:_:_:_:) + 104
18 OurApp                          0x7538 main + 4344476984 (Feed+Localize.swift:4344476984)
19 ???                            0x105479da4 (Missing)

Thank you!

call sdk : 1.9.4
webrtc : 1.5.0

I faced the same problem. Any updates?

Hi all,

Calls SDK 1.9.6 is released with the fix for this issue. Please get back to us if the problem persists after updating the SDK.

Thank you

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