Customize iOS Notifications


We’re using SendBird with React Native and I want to know how to customize the text in iOS notifications.
For android, it’s pretty straightforward - just update the body here
For iOS, it follows what is set in the notification settings in the dashboard. But the available variables there are very limited and we need access to customType, for example, to determine what to put in body.

Is there any way to do this? Looking forward to your response

@s.sim Hello, in order to customize text in iOS, you have to implement notification service extension on your side. Please refer

Thank you for this resource. I followed it and modified the content it returns, but notification is still not updated. Do I need to update something somewhere else?

Sorry this is my first time updating native code for ios.

@s.sim were you be able to catch push in extension? make sure to debug and see if push notification comes through your extension.

make sure to debug and see if push notification comes through your extension.

Yes I already did this. I received a notification on the phone but the logs I put in the extension are not logged.

From the link you sent, it said

The system executes your notification content app extension only when a remote notification’s payload contains the following information

Maybe mutable-content is not set to 1 so I cannot use the extension? you can set mutable-content flag on dashboard

I see it now and have modified the notification text already. Thank you!

Can you please share the process how you solved this issue. Many thanks