Events about new messages are not received in GroupChannel

Events about new messages are not received in GroupChannel

SDK Version: 4.1.3
Frequency: always
Current impact: I cannot get events about new messages

Reproduction Steps:
When I enter ChatScreen, I initiate sendbird in a coroutine via callbackFlow. After sendbird is initialized, I also add a channelHandler to another coroutine via callbackFlow, but when I send a message to the group channel via dashboard, I don’t get a new message event.

My current implementation:


class SendbirdInitializer @Inject constructor(
  private val context: Context,
) {

  fun initIfNeeded(
    sendbirdAppId: String,
    sessionToken: String,
    userId: String,
  ): Flow<Unit> = callbackFlow {
    if (SendbirdChat.connectionState == ConnectionState.CLOSED) {
      val initResultHandler =
        object : InitResultHandler {
          override fun onInitSucceed() {
            SendbirdChat.connect(userId, sessionToken) { _, error ->
              if (error != null) {
                throw error
              } else {
                launch { send(Unit) }

          override fun onMigrationStarted() {
            // TODO: handle migration started

          override fun onInitFailed(e: SendbirdException) {
            // TODO: handle migration started

        initParams =
            appId = sendbirdAppId,
            context = context,
            useCaching = false,
        handler = initResultHandler,
      awaitClose { SendbirdChat.disconnect(handler = null) }


internal class MessageApi @Inject constructor(
  private val channelProvider: SendbirdChannelProvider,
) {

  override fun observeNewMessages(): Flow<Message> = callbackFlow {
    val handler = object : GroupChannelHandler() {
      override fun onMessageReceived(channel: BaseChannel, message: BaseMessage) {
        Timber.tag("MessageApi").d("New message")
    SendbirdChat.addChannelHandler("HANDLER_ID", handler)
    awaitClose { SendbirdChat.removeChannelHandler("HANDLER_ID") }


internal class ChatActor @Inject constructor(
  private val messageApi: MessageApi,
  private val sendbirdInitializer: SendbirdInitializer,
) : Actor<Command, Internal> {

  override fun execute(command: Command): Flow<Internal> =
    when (command) {
      is Command.InitSendbird ->
            sendbirdAppId = command.sendbirdCredentials.sendbirdAppId,
            sessionToken = command.sendbirdCredentials.sessionToken,
            userId = SendbirdUserId,
          .onEach {

I send a Command.InitSendbird to the Actor when I open the ChatScreen, and after sendbird successfully initializes, I add a GroupChannelHandler and my handler doesn’t receive new message events.

This only works when I wrote this code in onCreate method in MainActivity and don’t use coroutines. For example:


class MainActivity : FragmentActivity() {

  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    val sessionToken = "token"
    val sendbirdAppId = "sendbirdApp"
    val userId = "user_id"

    val groupChannelHandler = object : GroupChannelHandler() {
      override fun onMessageReceived(channel: BaseChannel, message: BaseMessage) {
        Timber.tag("MessageApi").d("I HAVE A MESSAGE!!!!")
    val initResultHandler =
      object : InitResultHandler {
        override fun onInitSucceed() {
          SendbirdChat.connect(userId, sessionToken) { _, error ->
            if (error != null) {
              throw error
            } else {

        override fun onMigrationStarted() {}

        override fun onInitFailed(e: SendbirdException) {}

      initParams =
        appId = sendbirdAppId,
        context = this,
        useCaching = false,
      handler = initResultHandler,

In this implementation, the groupChannelHandler receives events about new messages, but I don’t understand why.
I decided that I could only add a groupChannelHandler to the main thread and used, but that didn’t work for me, moreover, when I did it in MainActivity, my groupChannelHandler stopped receiving new message events.


class MainActivity : FragmentActivity() {

  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    val sessionToken = "token"
    val sendbirdAppId = "sendbirdApp"
    val userId = "user_id"
    val mainHandler = Handler(mainLooper) {
      val groupChannelHandler = object : GroupChannelHandler() {
        override fun onMessageReceived(channel: BaseChannel, message: BaseMessage) {
          Timber.tag("MessageApi").d("I HAVE A MESSAGE!!!!")
      val initResultHandler =
        object : InitResultHandler {
          override fun onInitSucceed() {
            SendbirdChat.connect(userId, sessionToken) { _, error ->
              if (error != null) {
                throw error
              } else {

          override fun onMigrationStarted() {}

          override fun onInitFailed(e: SendbirdException) {}

        initParams =
          appId = sendbirdAppId,
          context = this,
          useCaching = false,
        handler = initResultHandler,

When I do it in the coroutine with Main dispatcher it not work too. I need to add groupChannelHandler from a coroutine.
Why my handler not get new events from a coroutine?

Hi did you manage to solve your issue? I ran into the strange weird issue. If I initialize sendbird, connect and add channel handler in coroutine, most of the time it works, but if launch the app via chat notification and not the launch icon, message events never gets triggered even though I am still connected to Sendbird SDK. And you are right, using Handler post didn’t work I have to move it out of any coroutines and Handler post for it to work. Really weird.