Hide Group Cover Photo and Display Profile Photo when members are only 2

“name”: “sample-js-web-widget”,
“version”: “0.18.0”,

I am using Javascript SDK in the PHP Framework,
When I create a Group of 2 People need to Remove the Group Cover URL and Replace it with a Specific USER Profile Picture

When I login with User1 and Create a Group With User2
When I Message User 2 it shows me the user2 Profile Picture in List

and Login with the User2 and chat with User1 show me User1 Profile Picture in List

Hello @Sanjay_Test,

The project sample-js-web-widge is a very old and outdated project which we wouldn’t recommend you reference. Depending on what your PHP framework allows, you might consider embedding the React UIKit which would handle this logic for you. Otherwise you would need to custom the sample application your self to provide the logic you’re looking for as this is less of a Sendbird problem and more of an HTML request.

A quick peak looks like you likely would want to look here though: sendbird-javascript-samples/javascript/javascript-widget/src/js/elements/list-board.js at d6d09a3714cb1889d56a2582739196e9d6e0bd7b · sendbird/sendbird-javascript-samples · GitHub