How to change the channelListQuery after initialization?

I have a use case where the channelListQuery needs to change depending on certain actions. However, channelListQuery can only be set during initialization on SBUChannelListViewController. There isn’t an oper property channelListQuery or customizedChannelListQuery that will enable changing the query and then reloading the tableView.

What is the best approach for doing so?

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Hello, Thank you for reaching out.

Unfortunately, in Sendbird UIKit framework doesn’t provide a public interface for it. However, if you are using Sendbird UIKit via open-source you can modify the code and do some custom modifications.

For example:
You can change the access level of SBUChannelListViewController customizedChannelListQuery and add didSet observer to call loadNextChannelList(reset:) method and tableView.reload
add new public method such as updateChannelListQuery(to:) to update / change the query and then call tableView.reload or loadNextChannelList(reset:) method

Please let me know if this helps.

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We ended up forking the UIKit library and making this accessible.